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Vuoi rassodare gambe e glutei? Lo Sculptor è innovativo, portatile, offre 11 esercizi e costa meno di un mese in palestra. Acquistalo ora!


Do you want to firm your legs and buttocks? The Sculptor is innovative, portable, offers 11 exercises and costs less than a month's worth of gym time. Buy it now!

Firms and sculpts the buttocks and inner thighs, tones the chest and arm muscles. It is a tool capable of toning 6 muscle groups with 11 light resistance exercises. Have you ever seen those large, bulky home gyms with dozens of exercise machines and exorbitant costs? You won't need it anymore, the Sculptor fits the size of your handbag, offers 11 exercises and costs less than a month's worth of gym time. It is a real portable gym measuring just 30 cm.


SKU: P04
VAT Included
  • The Sculptor is a training tool, specifically designed to strengthen the inner thighs (adductors) and glutes (buttocks and psoas), using light resistance in the spring. It also strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, lower abdominals and chest.

    The 6 muscle groups strengthened by the Sculptor are:

    1. inner thigh (adductors);

    2. pelvic floor;

    3. pelvic muscles (glutes, psoas, and pubococcygeus);

    4. arm muscles (biceps, triceps, forearms);

    5. back muscles (dorsal muscles); 6. pectoral muscles.

    Additional Information: Strengthen your pubococcygeal muscles with Kegel exercises.


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